Breakthrough QuaRUNtine FAQs

Thanks for sharing the Breakthrough Spirit! We are excited you have chosen to participate un the virutal Breakthrough QuaRUNtine!
Your registration and team support has helped raise funds for Breakthrough Miami, our Teaching Fellows, Scholars and volunteer to ensure we continue our mission and inspire the next generation of educators and advocates.
Be sure to:
- Print this at home on a regular size paper.
- Fasten with safety pins to your race-day shirt.
- Take a selfie with your Breakalicious spirit, include your bib, to upload to the post-race form.
- Share your race experience on social to help spread the spirit and positivity during these uncertain times. Use #IRun4Breakthroughs and tag @Breakthrough Miami.
When? The Breakthrough QuaRUNtine Virtual Race can be completed at any time on Sunday, August 16th. However, knowing the summer heat can be brutal, we highly recommend to ensure you aren’t running at noon or when the sun is scorching hot.
Where? Anywhere! It’s a virtual race. You can participate in your own neighborhood, indoors on a treadmill or wherever you are in the world, while observing social distancing guidelines, of course. We have racers registered from California, London, Singapore and all the way to the mountains in Colorado.
What to wear? In addition to wearing your personalized, race-day bib (attached), show your #BreakthroughMiami spirit on race day by dressing in Breakthrough Colors (see below). Scholar, Volunteer and Teaching Fellow t-shirts welcome!
Dark Blue Yellow
Light Blue Orange
Purple Green
Grey Due to summer heat, we recommend lighter colors.
Can I walk? Absolutely.
Can I bike? Yes, we’re all about promoting Breakalicious spirit, motivation and good health. If that means you can achieve your goal by cycling, so be it.
If you do choose to bike, please bear in mind when completing a 5K, your time will be A LOT quicker than someone racing on his/her feet. When documenting your time and distance, please note you rode a bike.
How do I track my distance? We are on an honor system, so you may do so however you wish. For accuracy and ease, you can try any of the following options below:
- Smart phone: use the gps and timer on your android or Iphone
- Running GPS watch
- Map My Run or Map My Ride Apps
How far is the race? We ask that participants complete at minimum a 5K (3.1 mi). Set your goal, and go get it! You can even break the distance up by run/walking, whichever you prefer, as long as it’s all completed on Sunday, 8/16.
Do I have to document my results? We recommend you do, especially if you’d like to participate in our friendly competition. We will email a virtual medal after race day to all participants.
What if I can’t race on Sunday, 8/16? No worries. We do hope that everything is okay, but understand that life happens. Because you registered, we’re happy to send your participation medal nonetheless.
How do I document my results? Upload proof of completion to our Post-Race Form below. Any of the following can be used as evidence: a screenshot of your choice of running app (i.e. MapMyRun, Runtastic, Nike Run Club, Iphone GPS, etc.), your iPhone or Apple Watch – whatever GPS device you used to track and pace your run.
Where can I share social posts? Be sure to share your pre and post race experience on Instagram, Facebook and/or Twitter to help spread some positivity during these uncertain times. Tag us @BreakthroughMiami and use #IRun4Breakthroughs
Go live. Take Pictures, and show your team spirit!
You can also add a Breakthrough QuaRUNtine banner to your profile picture!
NOTE: The only evidence required is proof of completion of distance – 5K or 3.1mi+. We will email a virtual medal of participation to each participant after race day.
If you would like to participate competitively in the race, the evidence submitted must include proof of time, in addition to distance and method of completion, and the requisite distance must be completed in one segment.
Post-Race Form: If you’re at this step, CONGRATS! That must mean you completed the race. The Post-Race Form must be submitted no later than Thursday, August 20th, as we will announce the winners on Friday, August 21 via social media.
The following awards will be announced on August 24, on Instagram @BreakthroughMiami.
- Most Spirited Participant/Team (Based on Race-Day Picture)
- Team with the Most Participants
- Fastest 5K Runner, Fastest 5k Walker
- Longest Distance: Cycling
- Team that raised the most donations
DISCLAIMER: This is a fundraising event, intended to promote Breakalicious spirit, healthy living and community-building. While every effort will be made to maintain the integrity of the timed awards, please be reminded that discrepancies may exist among GPS systems on varying platforms.
Thanks in advance for going the extra mile and stepping up for Breakthrough Miami!