
Breakthrough Miami provides an academic enrichment program that uses a student-teaching-students model to ensure that motivated, under-resourced 5th – 12th grade students have access to excellent educational opportunities, graduate from high school on time, and attend college.


Twelve months ago our team set our word of intention for 2024: CULTIVATE.Class of 2032 is in the mix! We welcomed 223 rising 5th graders this summer to launch their transformative 8-year Breakthrough journey. Leadership is on the rise. We’ve doubled down on our...

Historic Breakthroughs – Heavyn

It is an honor to be here today. Thank you to the Breakthrough Miami Team for entrusting me to share what is surely just a page out of the book of Breakthrough stories that you have carried out to publication over the years. I would also like to thank the THesis Hotel for holding space for this event in such a generous capacity. It is my first time here and I have to admit that I am strangely drawn to the name. Thesis, a word that would conjure harrowing images of late nights fueled by coffee and rearranged chapters for my newly graduated peers only a few months ago, here, now, takes on a new grandeur, encouraging that we “get lost” in all it has to offer. It is an approach to life that reminds me of the route I took to Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart as a Breakthrough Scholar in middle school. Around seven in the morning, waiting for a yellow bus to pick me up from Miami Gardens, the beauty of being the first stop on the route, in addition to having your pick of the seats — not under the AC unit or on top of the bump that makes room for the wheel — was that I could go back to sleep and squeeze in a full REM cycle. And when I woke, I was greeted with a land akin to paradise and funny enough, a garden by a different name: El Jardín they called it. Tall hedges that scraped the sky, hand-carved lore chiseled near the roof, intricate tiles to walk on, and in the center, after passing through a grand entrance, was a courtyard with a fountain. In fact, if you stood in just the right spot, that fountain overlooked another fountain in two different directions. Over time, I came to know which door had a narrow staircase that led you through a winding tunnel out onto a pool guarded by limestone — a morsel of the ensorcelling view of Biscayne Bay.

First Gen Day 2024- Meet Peter Raymond

"I gained a lot through summers and Saturdays. I began to understand I could go anywhere I set my mind; I could hone my own creativity, set my own boundaries, and treasure the person I was." – Peter Raymond, Scholar Alumnus, Class of 2024, Wake Forest University,...

Jason Jenkins Day of Service

“It won’t be your geography that marks your journey…
It’ll be three things; The depth of your relationships, the foundation of your values and the courage of your decision-making.” -Jason Jenkins

Race to Breakthrough 2024

Breakthrough Miami's 5th Annual Race to Breakthrough turns Truly EPIC! We’ve reached the Race finish line, but the breakthroughs are just beginning! Breakthrough Miami's 5th Annual Race to Breakthrough was… yes, EPIC! This year, in honor of our fifth anniversary Race,...

Pickleball Social 2024

Breakthrough Miami’s Pickleball Social Serves Up a Grand Slam!
Our 2024 Pickleball Social becomes a Net Gain for Fun and Fundraising, and it’s all thanks to you! You brought your energy, pickleball skills, and a genuine interest in learning more about our mission. Through our collective engagement, we made a meaningful impact, generating funds to support five more Scholars through a year of Breakthrough programming. We opened new doors of engagement to continue to expand our Village.

Young Coders Initiative

“Coding the Future: Young Coders Initiative and Breakthrough Miami Join Forces”

In the heart of Miami, a powerful collaboration is opening doors for bright young minds. The Young Coders Initiative, a youth-led organization founded by high school student Aryaman Jaggi, has partnered with Breakthrough Miami to bring coding skills to underserved communities.

Breakthrough In The Community

We join the nation in recognizing Juneteenth. We honor African Americans' resilience, strength, and triumphs in the pursuit of freedom and equality. This historic day, honoring the end of slavery with the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1865,...

WWS2024 Dreamscape

At Breakthrough Miami, our DREAMSCAPE of potential and possibility is limitless! Wine Women & Shoes 2024 exuded with our signature breakalicious spirit and energy. A beautiful reflection of our program and mission, the event galvanized a diverse, influential, and...

High Fashion. High Impact. Featuring Missoni…



Miami, FL, [March 28, 2024] — Breakthrough Miami, an award-winning youth development program and leading South Florida non-profit dedicated to empowering students to thrive and grow as learners and leaders, announces an exciting collaboration with Missoni, the internationally renowned Italian fashion house, as the exclusive Fashion Partner for Wine, Women & Shoes 2024.

What’s Ahead

Breakthrough Miami - Race to Breakthrough 2024 - August 31, 2024

For the past 34 years, our Scholars have defied expectations and shattered educational barriers, thanks to the unwavering support of our Breakthrough Village. Find out how you can become part of the NEXT CHAPTER!

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Join our tuition-free 8 year academic enrichment program including 6-week Summer Institutes and Saturday School Year program.

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Breakthrough Miami’s fellowship has been ranked as a Top Ten Service Learning internship by the Princeton Review. This summer, we invite you to join a corps of energetic, ambitious, Changemakers 

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